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Journey to the West

Journey to the West by Wu Cheng-en


Journey to the West: Chapter 5

Chapter 5After Chaos Among the Peaches the Great Sage Steals the PillsIn the Revolt Against Heaven the Gods Capture the DemonsThe story goes on to relate that the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, a mere monkey devil after all, was quite satisfied that his name was on the register of office without caring about the grading of his job and his own rank, or the size of his salary. The immortal clerks in the two offices in his residence were in constant attendance on him, he had three meals a day and a bed to sleep on at night, and he lived a free and easy life without worries. In his spare time he woul...

Journey to the West: Chapter 4

Chapter 4Dissatisfied at Being Appointed Protector of the HorsesNot Content with the Title of Equal of HeavenThe Great White Planet left the depths of the cave with the Handsome Monkey King, and they ascended together on their clouds. As Sun Wukong's somersault cloud was exceptionally fast he reached the Southern Gate of Heaven first, leaving the Great White planet far behind. Just as he was putting away his cloud to go in, his way was barred by the Heavenly Guardian Virudhaka and his powerful heavenly soldiers Liu, Gou, Bi, Deng, Xin, Zhang, and Tao, who blocked the gate of Heaven with their ...

Journey to the West: Chapter 3

Chapter 3The Four Seas and Thousand Mountains All SubmitIn the Ninth Hell the Tenth Category Is Struck Off the RegisterWe have related how the Handsome Monkey King returned home in glory, bringing a large sword he had captured when he killed the Demon King of Confusion. From then on they practiced the military arts every day. He asked the little monkeys to cut down bamboo to make spears, carve swords out of wood, and learn to use banners and whistles. They learned to advance and retreat, and build a camp with a stockade round it. They spent a lot of time playing at this.Once Sun Wukong was sit...

Journey to the West: Chapter 2

Chapter 2He Becomes Aware of the Wonderful Truth of EnlightenmentBy Killing the Demon He Realizes His Spirit-NatureThe story goes on to tell how after being given a name the Handsome Monkey King jumped for joy and bowed to Subhuti to express his thanks. The Patriarch then ordered the others to take Sun Wukong out through the double doors and teach him how to sprinkle and sweep the floor, answer orders, and deport himself properly. All the Immortals went out in obedience to this command. When Sun Wukong was outside the doors he bowed to all his spiritual elder brothers and laid out his bed on t...

Journey to the West: Chapter 1

Chapter 1The Divine Root Conceives and the Spring Breaks ForthAs the Heart's Nature Is Cultivated, the Great Way ArisesBefore Chaos was divided, Heaven and Earth were one;All was a shapeless blur, and no men had appeared.Once Pan Gu destroyed the Enormous VaguenessThe separation of clear and impure began.Living things have always tended towards humanity;From their creation all beings improve.If you want to know about Creation and Time,Read Difficulties Resolved on the Journey to the West.In the arithmetic of the universe, 129,600 years make one cycle. Each cycle can be divided into twelve phas...

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