
CHAPTER VII (Three Years in Western China)

Three Years in Western China by ALEXANDER HOSIECHAPTER VII.THROUGH CAINDU TO CARAJAN.Earthquakes—The reception of foreigners at Ning-yuan—The fertility of the Ning-yuan plain—Goître and the salt supply—Historical hailstorm—A Tibetan caravan—Crossing the Ya-lung River—A riot at Hang-chou—Reception at Yen-yuan and increased protection—Brine wells of Pai-yen-ching—Driven back by mountain barriers—The Yün-nan frontier—A sight of the Yang-tsze—Results of the Mohammedan Rebellion—The Lake of the Black Mist—On the banks of the Golden River—A deserted town—The plague—First glimpse of the snow-capped T...

CHAPTER 9 (The Golden Lotus) Wu Song Seeks to Avenge His Brother

The Golden LotusCHAPTER 9Wu Song Seeks to Avenge His BrotherSo Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian burned Wu Da's tablet. The next day they invited old woman Wang to a farewell party, and gave Ying'er into her charge."When Wu Song comes back," Ximen Qing said, "how am I to prevent his learning that I have married this lady?""I shall be here," the old woman said, smiling, "and no matter how inquisitive Wu Song may be, I shall have an answer ready for him. Don't worry about that."Ximen Qing was only too glad to receive such a comforting reply, and gave the old woman three taels of silver. The same evenin...

CHAPTER 8 (The Golden Lotus) The Magic Diagrams

The Golden LotusCHAPTER 8The Magic DiagramsHigher and yet higher the red dawnCreeps slowly up the casement.She wakes and throws her silken wrapperCarelessly across one breast.Is it not strangeThis rising while the sun is not yet high?Blown by the gentle breezeThe hastening flowers wander through the tower of jade.She could not sleepThe image of her loved one lingered always with her.Now that Ximen Qing had married Meng Yulou, their love was so deep that they could not bear to be away from one another even for a moment. One day old woman Wen came on behalf of the Chen family to propose that the...

The Outlaws of the Marsh Chapter 10 Lin Chong Shelters from the Snowstorm in the Mountain Spirit Temple

Chapter 10Lin Chong Shelters from the Snowstorm in the Mountain Spirit TempleCaptain Lu Qian Sets Fire to the Fodder DepotLin Chong was strolling along, when someone behind him called his name. He turned around and saw the tavern waiter Li Xiao-er. When they first became acquainted in the Eastern Capital, Lin had helped him financially several times. Later, Xiao-er stole money from the tavern keeper and was arrested. He was going to be sent to the prefect but Lin Chong spoke up in his behalf, and he did not have to stand trial. Lin also paid back the money for him and he was released. Although...

The Outlaws of the Marsh Chapter 9 Chai Jin Keeps Open House for All Bold Men

The Outlaws of the Marsh ChapterChapter 9Chai Jin Keeps Open House for All Bold MenLin Chong Defeats Instructor Hong in a Bout with StavesXue Ba raised his staff with both hands to bring it down on Lin Chong's head. But quicker man words can tell, from behind the pine tree came a thunderous roar as a solid iron rod shot forward, intercepted the staff and sent it flying into the sky. Then out leaped a big fat monk."I've been listening quite a while," he yelled. Dressed in a black cassock, he was wearing a knife and carried a Buddhist staff which he brandished at the two guards.Lin Chong, who ha...

The Outlaws of the Marsh Chapter 8 Arms Instructor Lin Is Tattooed and Exiled to Cangzhou

The Outlaws of the Marsh Chapter 8 Arms Instructor Lin Is Tattooed and Exiled to CangzhouSagacious Lu Makes a Shambles of Wild Boar ForestAs we were saying, Marshal Gao shouted for his guards to take Lin Chong out and execute him. Lin Chong loudly exclaimed that he was innocent."Why did you enter the Inner Sanctum with a sword in your hand?" demanded the marshal. "Of course you wanted to kill me!""Would I dare go in if the marshal hadn't summoned me?" countered Lin Chong. "I saw those two lieutenants enter the hall! They tricked me into coming here!""Nonsense! What lieutenants are you talking ...

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